Breakthrough in my limits! Thank god.
Started Saturday with a joy ride to church. Took a different route but it was filled with road bumps and affected the limit of my back. Was out of breath before we reached church.
Took a small break in church, and make the whole way back :) Thank god!
Rested and cooked lunch, managed to make another trip to Mydin in the neighbourhood to get some ingredients. My first trip to a supermarket :) Another breakthrough, thank god! It feels different having other people around me besides only my family or those in my house. Had a slight fear of people knocking into me.
Saturday night went out for dinner at Subang Parade :) Managed to walk from the carpark to the restaurant, carefully choosing the shortest route to minimize the distance. Managed to sit throughout dinner and walk back to car in carpark :)
Happy to eat out and have my favourite salmon sushi finally. :) 8 weeks back i was at the exact same place eating and able to sit and walk normally. So much have changed in 8 weeks. Walking slower than normal still garnered so many people looking at me like im an invalid. No difference from renting a wheelchair from the mall and be wheeled around. Walking around aided compared to walking around normally, makes me feel really grateful for being able to walk around still. At least i still have the opportunity to walk and be alive. Thank god.
Went to church service finally!!! Had to bring a pillow to rest my back. It helps to cushion the pain :) Had lunch out too, dimsum for the first time :)
Walking speed in public is slow, very slow. Do not have the confidence to walk alone yet. have to hold on to someone else’s hand.
Week 8 passed rather quickly. Started holding colour pencils for the first time after a long time. first day of coloring was tough. Couldnt tell my hand’s strength and ended up with 3 blisters all around my right hand the next day. Thank god for constant improvement of strength and coloring as days went pass. :)
Went for round 2 of sakae sushi too :) This time was on Wednesday, the speed of walking got faster. However, could have walked too much the same day, lower back and pelvic area was sore before we reached home
The numbness along the pelvic bone has gradually reduce, now i can feel touch slowly along the wound.
Wound resistance to touch has improved too. Can now use bathing soap to rub over back’s wound lightly.