Saturday, July 04, 2009

Asian vs Western

There is a vast difference in terms of upbringing and the result between the west and the east. In cases where language tends too be perceived as a major seperation factor, my observations differ.

case study 1 : child sleeps in on a saturday morning

Asian : (knocks door loudly based on instinct) Oi, wake up already la. wanted to bring you out to do this and that, SEE NOW. half day gone still sleeping! bought food for you also the food smells already la. dont need to eat. sleep la. (pounds on door loudly again)

western : Is everything alright? are you sick? its time to wake up. Come on, head to thetoilet, wash up. tThere's food waiting for you. dont take too long ya =) (ends with a gentle tone, nice and sweet)


AppLeQuEEn said...

if some one like "western"
i will not wake up..

if someone like "asian"
i will jump up..


just like for me in this morning =.=''
Sg long house.. is a bit more "Western" here more "Asian"

i wan to sleep more!!!!!

i just wanna be happy said...

haha.yea.true true.
i've tons of experience before
but somehow i manage to wake up myself now
after some 'asian style'

anyway,here's the new link for my blog:

asraf said...

in general, western have more respects towards younger generations.. they sepak to them like adults