Friday, December 18, 2009

Lost dreams

I miss having a diary, writing down the most intimate feelings I have in it. As time went pass, the source of recording changed from a pen and a book to him. The dependency shifted from me to him. Contrary to many beliefs, feelings were shared and discussed. I liked it the way it was. But to have feelings shared, with limitations to actions to be taken due to the distance, it defeats the purpose of sharing feelings, or circumstances, or needs.

I do believe in a time for everything. Just like how a professional photographer is paid to capture the moment. There are moments in life that needs to go through a fast capture lens. Click click click. And it ends there. Any second later would have missed the action at that time.

Being this sick for this long, it’s not fun. 3 mc’s in 3 weeks. I feel like I’ve neglected work. That’s another area to be shared at another point. Coughing with serious flu and sore throat, gives me time to think and to do things for myself. It’s good to take a break, never really did since 6 months back when work started. Im 21. It suppose to be the peak of a person’s life, achieving dreams. How can it be or since when my dreams are linked to him? And its not achievable at this point of time. I need to find my own dream, I need to recollect what I wanted. When did I lose it?

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