Wednesday, April 05, 2006

I fainted on Sunday.. it was rather freaky… dad wanted someone’s number, so I went into my room and took my phone from the table, as I walked out, suddenly everything blacked out… I got scared, dad had to somehow support me to the sofa in his room…
I was really scared, and I told him to pray…

Went back to college on Monday, had a ride from the station back to hostel from rowen..haha, thanks…save the trouble walking… actually I was quite afraid that I would somehow faint again

There is this fear in me. I shared with a couple of people during Tuesday’s prayer meet
To whoever who is reading this now, do say a prayer for me k?

I went and see uncle wu just now…he checked my blood pressure and heart pace… my blood pressure is low, around 90..the average blood pressure is around 110, my heart beat is at 90+, the average is 70-75…
According to him, its some compensation effect, because there is not enough blood, my heart has to pump faster to increase the pressure, its abnormal but its rather common in ladies…

Im going for a blood test tomorrow morning , just to double check and confirm that there is nothing wrong

It could be a spiritual not sure, do pray for healing and protection…

Or maybe it’s a sign… that my time is almost up? Im not sure…
Do pray alongside with me k?
Thanks, I really appreciate it
God bless


Bex said...


you take care k?
i've had that before... due to lack of blood (anaemic)...
just get lotsa rest and everything will be alright ok?

just don;t give up....

Anonymous said...

So sorry to hear about your friend's incident. I hope you are all right now. The doctor's right, a lot of ladies have low blood pressure. this happens especially when you are too tired or emotionally disturbed.
Try to do more things that keep you in good mood.Remember, God is always with you. Take care.

Anonymous said...

take care ar.. dun always study till late at nite! *hugglez*

Anonymous said...

meen!!!!whats wrong with you???u ok or not??aiyoh...pls take care of urself...i wan to see you every sunday ..if anything happens to you,i dunno wat to do...MEEN!!!:'(