Wednesday, April 29, 2009


My first paper for my final exam starts tomorrow.

Have yet to feel the 'oh no I'm graduating' feeling. Weird case. Everyone's feeling it already. At least those that asked me what are my thoughts about leaving uni.

I feel so cold heart-ed for taking it just as another phase of life. Sometimes i think i grow up and grow cold too fast.

Back to studying. I find comfort in food. Tons of food. That explains the grow in size ever since i left home. back home, the food intake volume is more or less fixed at meals. Not much of in betweens to munch on. But staying out, freedom comes when its related to food. My appetite grew. Dating a big guy further encouraged eating more food.

Hopefully the exercise plan to go swimming as and when i can helps to trim down the noticeable excessive rounds around my tummy. not a pretty sight. mommy and daddy thinks i need to er. look for firm so that i dont look pudgy for interviews.

Talking about interviews. Upcoming interviews are right before my last paper and right after my last paper. all the rush in going for interviews was fun. the preparation, the last minute freak out, sweating and getting all nervous in the toilet. haha. random-nye. oh well, pray that god will open doors where his will is, and close those that is not in his plan. keeping my fingers crossed. God knows best after all.

dang. i still feel cold heart-ed. what is wrong with me?

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