Tuesday, April 14, 2009


separation is just another part of life.

When Shawn left us. I remember him singing Amazing Love. Today as we had our last CG, the song amazing love was sang again. It's true that separation is painful but at the end of the day, the love of God doesnt require us to separate from Him. And that is the greatest blessing.

IM DOWN WITH FEVER. BOO. it was as high as 38.7 degrees this morning. Thank god its slowly coming down. Taking med and monitoring. Pray pray pray that it is not dengue. caught a mozzy biting me that had white and black legs. Boo.


janiceloke said...

Ya agreed..:) Parting may be painful but I believe within these 3 years together - learning from one another & hving fun together are great blessings I get from all of u :)

Take care and get well soon! :)

Esther said...

thanks siaomeen for your thoughts :)
*praying for you to get well soon

siaomeen said...

siaomeen :: janice

Yup! I agree. Its the friends that matters. =)

siaomeen :: esther
