Tuesday, May 12, 2009

A full circle

Left home quiet, return back home quiet.

University life had taken its full circle. From the very beginning where words were few to the exposure and opportunities leading to a more outspoken person. But now as i leave, its been some time since i took a step back and re-constraint my thoughts and words to myself. I figured out its the safest way maybe to not put myself in vulnerable situations.

From being the shadow, to being in the limelight. Likewise, now its back to being the observer. Having the chance to experience the reversal of roles and character has brought me much joy and exposure, seeing different people and different characters. However, i now prefer to just shun away from the crowd and observe. Its more interesting this manner.

Many times i’ve taken on different roles, different sides, different approach towards people. Its been fun portraying different sides of me. But as i leave university and enter back into the world, i stick back to the original quiet me. and im happy with that. (fullstop)

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