Thursday, May 07, 2009

spaghetti sales attempt #1 (part 2)

Sherine noticed the dvd seller keeping his stuff at super uber speed. and we panicked. that’s not a good sign huh. haha. i threw what i could into the plastic bag i had. sherine funny la. she panicked till dont know how to keep. she had alicia’s backpack with her but didnt think of putting things in. haha. we were just throwing what we could and trying to carry all of them with the 4 hands that we had.

run la. run. the dvd seller ran. we ran too. but the pot was hot and there was the table. in the end we opened the table, put everything above it and carry the table back. haha.

oh dear.

we reached home at 9. all laughing and sweating, almost feeling exhausted from the drama. the common decision we had was to pause and go out again at 1130 just like announced earlier. reasoning being. its a little too late for the municipal to sweep our stall and its supper time for the peeps.

we took our break. still had on and off giggles of the near getting caught experience we had. writing about it now still give me the adrenaline pump.

just at 11.20 when we were about to step out from the door. a sudden impulse pushed me to check my facebook for one last time in case there was an additional order that i missed. and i saw “oh no, station 2 kena sapu”. dang. that’s not good news for us.

we took a walk downstairs without all our pots and bags just to check out the situation. not good. not good. there was a crowd of bystanders all around station 2. students sitting on almost every table. later i found out it was a form of support because the officers were not allowed to confiscate tables and chairs with customers on it. the most outstanding sight was the number of vans with full load officers. around 5 to 6 of them. with one police car. one lorry for carting away their belongings i think. and one tow truck. tell me what is a tow truck doing there at this time of the night?

1 comment:

janiceloke said...

"chun" "chun"...haha
keep us update!!