Friday, July 28, 2006


its funny how people are always put in a dilemma of making decisions
let not even go to making the right or wrong decision
sometimes the end result is neither right nor wrong
but the dilemma is in what to say
yes or no?
two small simple words that carries extremely solid meanings
you cannot say yes and no
no meaning
is it possible to want to say no but yes comes out?
or probably wanting to say yes but the answer is no?
that is probably why coins were created
so that when we do not know what to say
the coin is always there for us to flip
thats depending fully on luck
not accurate
even if it is
our self deception of the situation has a strong hold on our mindset
how about depending on the situation to make a decision?
if the sun doesnt go down today, i will say yes
if my lecturer comes today, i will say no
if the shop opens and is selling my favourite dish, i will say yes
if my computer doesnt work properly i will say no
how much more ridiculous can that be?
the funniest part is how insecure humans can be some times
how when after we think we have made the decision
we tend to look around us for confirmation
for people to assure us
like if i toss a coins once
i want to toss it a second time to see whether is it really what i am suppose to do
or take plucking flower petals as an example
he loves me
he loves me not
he loves me
he loves me not
he loves me
he loves me not
for goodness sake
just ask him
dont continue to live in insecurity

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