Sunday, July 02, 2006


what are limits?
man made rules?
to be obeyed by man?
what is the limit then?
who determines what is the limit?
who has the right to say 'stop it'?
why should we keep to the limit just because someone says so?
what is the boundary?
where is the line significe the limit?

im sorry
i dont mean to
its just that
dont start
it will tear you up
not me
and i dont want that to happen
dont destroy yourself
not now


Anonymous said...

limit.. is a man made rule.. it is made for the beeter of both sides.. the side to obey the limit and the side that made the limit.. if there is no limit.. things will turn out bad.. most of the time human tends to go over the limit.. just like speeding while driving... most of the time they just forget bout the limit.. sorry.. i will be careful and watch my limits...

siaomeen said...

im sorry..