Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Some things do change
For the better
Some change when people least expect it
But if it is from God
Then I suppose it’s beautiful

Some people change along the months
Along the years
Change is inevitable
I would say
We can’t stay stagnant
Change is necessary
For us to move forward
To look at life
From a different perspective

But if change happens
Because of a person
That will not last
Because it’s only to please that one person
And after some time
That temporary change will disappear
Because change doesn’t come from the heart
Change for God
Or should I say God changes people
To be someone more like Him
But that is only if we allow Him to do that to us
If only we put aside all our selfish thoughts
That will hinder His work in us

No matter how much a person can change
For me
There will always be the starting point of change
The turning point
The deciding point
And now as I look back
I can smile
At how much I’ve changed
For the better
So many things l’ve learned
So many other blessings God has put in my life
Although I know that many other changes will continue to happen
But at the same time I know
After everything that happens
After all the tears and sorrows
All the breaking down
I can look back
And give God and myself one big huge smile
And say thank you God

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